Author: Bob Diebel

  • The Spiritual Person

    Galatians 6:1 … YE WHICH ARE SPIRITUAL … (are you?) Knowing our level of spirituality requires self-examination!

  • Christian Judging

    Are we to Judge? (Matthew 7:1) “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” (Matthew 7:1)” Is ALL judgment forbidden? Should we never judge others when they do wrong? I commuted to my work in Toronto, Canada for 18 years. I travelled on the “GO train” (Government of Ontario Transit). At the station in Pickering I,…

  • Christian Discipline

    Discipline… How much is encompassed in that word! Discipline is given and received. There needs to be a “Discipliner” and a “Disciplinee” It might be giving advice to someone, living before someone, or seeking to correct someone. It might be being on the receiving end of any of these, receiving advice from someone, observing the life…

  • The Ten Commandments in Our Day

    The Ten Commandments in our day Are we required to follow the old testament commandments given from God to Moses for the Israelites in our time? (Absolutely uncanny how much Moses looks like Charlton Heston : -)   I am Yahweh (Jehovah, Yehovah, Jahweh, Yahweh)[1] your God Prologue 1 You shall have no other gods…

  • Timothy The Messenger

    Requirements For A Messenger Paul, the apostle writes to his son in the faith in 2 Timothy. The truth that was entrusted to Paul is being passed on to Timothy as well as many others. In chapter 2 Paul outlines the requirements for being a good messenger using a number of metaphors. A Genuine Child…