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The Holy Spirit - Truth Rightly Divided

The Holy Spirit

Omnipotence (Job 33:4). The omnipotence of the Holy Spirit is seen in creation. In Genesis 1:2 the Holy Spirit is seen hovering over creation as a hen over its young; the Holy Spirit gave life to creation.

Omnipresence (Ps. 139:7–10; John 14:17). In Psalm 139 David exclaims that He cannot flee from the presence of the Holy Spirit; if he ascends to heaven, He is there; if he descends into the depths of the earth, the Spirit is there also. Even if he could fly away swiftly, he could not escape the presence of the Spirit. The omnipresence of the Spirit is also taught in John 14:17 where Christ taught the disciples that the Spirit would indwell them all, an affirmation of the Spirit’s omnipresence.

Eternity (Heb. 9:14). The Holy Spirit is called the Eternal Spirit in this passage. Through the Eternal Spirit Christ offered Himself without blemish to God. Just as the Holy Spirit had a part in the birth of Christ (Luke 1:35), in the same way He also had a part in the death of Christ.

Holiness (cf. Matt. 12:32). One important aspect of deity is that God is holy, entirely set apart and separated from sin and sinners. The most common name for the Spirit is Holy Spirit, indicating the third person of the Trinity also possesses this transcendent attribute of deity.

Love (Gal. 5:22). The Holy Spirit is love and produces love in the child of God. If He did not possess love as a primary attribute He could not produce love in the believer.

Truth (John 14:17). The Holy Spirit is termed the “Spirit of truth” in John 14:17 and 15:26. Just as Christ was the truth (John 14:6) so the Spirit is the truth and leads people into the truth through the Scriptures.











Holy Spirit




Joshua 3:10


John 1:4


Romans 8:2




Psalm 139:1–6


John 4:17–18


1 Corinthians 2:10–12




Genesis 1:1


John 1:3


Job 33:4




Jeremiah 23:23–24


Matthew 28:20


Psalm 139:7–10




Psalm 90:2


John 1:1


Hebrews 9:14




Leviticus 11:44


Acts 3:14


Matthew 12:32




1 John 4:8


Romans 8:37–39


Galatians 5:22




John 3:33


John 14:6


John 14:17


This chart reflects the unity and the equality of the Godhead. The Holy Spirit exhibits the same attributes of deity as the Father and the Son.1











One Spirit


His Unity


Ephesians 4:4


Seven Spirits


His perfection, omnipresence,

and completeness


Revelation 1:4; 3:1


The Lord the Spirit


His sovereignty


2 Corinthians 3:18


Eternal Spirit


His eternity


Hebrews 9:14


Spirit of Glory


His glory


1 Peter 4:14


Spirit of Life


His vitality


Romans 8:2


Spirit of Holiness

Holy Spirit

Holy One



His Holiness


Romans 1:4

Matthew 1:20

1 John 2:20


Spirit of Wisdom

Spirit of Understanding

Spirit of Counsel

Spirit of Knowledge



His omniscience, wisdom,

and counsel



Exodus 28:3

Isaiah 11:2


Spirit of Might


His omnipotence


Isaiah 11:2


Spirit of Fear of the Lord


His reverence


Isaiah 11:2


Spirit of Truth


His truthfulness


John 14:17


Free Spirit


His sovereign freedom


Psalm 51:12


Spirit of Grace


His grace


Hebrews 10:29


Spirit of Grace and Supplication


His grace and prayerfulness


Zechariah 12:102



The Holy Spirit in creation:Gen 1:2

In the virgin birth:  Matt 1:20

In Scripture inspiration:2 Peter 1:21;​​ 2 Tim. 3:16

In New Birth   Titus 3:5;​​ 1 Peter 1:23; John 3:6


Anointing of the Holy Spirit

Is from God. 2Co 1:21.

That Christ should receive

Foretold. Is 61:1; Da 9:24.

Fulfilled. Lk 4:18, 21; Ac 4:27; 10:38; Heb 1:9.

God preserves those who receive. Ps 18:50; 20:6; 89:20–23.

Believers receive. 1Jn 2:20, 27.

Guides into all truth. 1Jn 2:27.

Baptism with the Holy Spirit

Is through Christ. Tit 3:6.

Christ administered. Mt 3:11; Jn 1:33.

Promised to believers. Ac 1:5; 2:38, 39; 11:16.

All believers partake of. 1Co 12:13.

Necessity for. Jn 3:5; Ac 19:2–6.

Renews and cleanses the soul. Tit 3:5; 1Pe 3:20, 21.

The Word of God instrumental to. Ac 10:44; Eph 5:26.

Typified. Ac 2:1–4.

Deity of the Holy Spirit

As Lord. Ex 17:7; Nu 12:6; Heb 3:7–9; 2Pe 1:21.

As Lord of hosts. Is 6:3, 8–10; Ac 28:25.

As Lord, Most High. Ps 78:17, 21; Ac 7:51.

Being invoked as Lord. Lk 2:26–29; Ac 1:16, 20; 4:23–25; 2Th 3:5.

Was called God. Ac 5:3, 4.

Part of the divine baptismal formula. Mt 28:19.

As eternal. Heb 9:14.

As omnipresent. Ps 139:7–13.

As omniscient. 1Co 2:10.

As omnipotent. Lk 1:35; Ro 15:19.

As the Spirit of glory and of God. 1Pe 4:14.

As Creator. Ge 1:26, 27; Job 33:4.

As equal to and one with the Father. Mt 28:19; 2Co 13:14.

As sovereign worker of all things. Da 4:35; 1Co 12:6, 11.

As author of the new birth. Jn 3:5, 6; 1Jn 5:4.

As raising Christ from the dead. Ac 2:24; Ro 1:4; Heb 13:20; 1Pe 3:18.

As inspiring Scripture. 2Ti 3:16; 2Pe 1:21.

As the source of wisdom. Is 11:2; Jn 16:13; 14:26; 1Co 12:8.

As the source of miraculous power. Mt 12:28; Lk 11:20; Ac 19:11; Ro 15:19.

As appointing and sending ministers. Ac 13:2, 4; 9:38; 20:28.

As directing where the gospel should be preached. Ac 16:6, 7, 10.

As dwelling in believers. Jn 14:17; 1Co 3:16; 6:19; 14:25.

As comforter of the church. Ac 9:31; 2Co 1:3.

As sanctifying God’s people. Eze 37:28; Ro 15:16.

As the witness. Heb 10:15; 1Jn 5:9.

As convincing of sin, righteousness, and judgment. Jn 16:8–11.

Emblems of the Holy Spirit

Water. Jn 3:5; 7:38, 39.

Cleansing. Eze 16:9; 36:25; Eph 5:26; Heb 10:22.

Nourishing. Ps 1:3; Is 27:3, 6; 44:3, 4; 58:11.

Refreshing. Ps 46:4; Is 41:17, 18.

Abundant. Jn 7:37, 38.

Freely given. Is 55:1; Jn 4:14; Rev 22:17.


Purifying. Is 4:4; Mal 3:2, 3.

Illuminating. Ex 13:21; Ps 78:14.

Searching. Zep 1:12; 1Co 2:10.


Independent. Jn 3:8; 1Co 12:11.

Powerful. 1Ki 19:11; Ac 2:2.

Sensible in its effects. Jn 3:8.

Reviving. Eze 37:9, 10, 14.

Oil. Ps 45:7.

Of joy. Ps 45:7.

Illuminating. Mt 25:3, 4; 1Jn 2:20, 27.

Consecrating. Ex 29:7; 30:30; Is 61:1.

Rain and dew. Ps 72:6.

Fertilizing. Eze 34:26, 27; Hos 6:3; 10:12; 14:5.

Refreshing. Ps 68:9; Is 18:5.

Abundant. Ps 133:3.

Imperceptible. 2Sa 17:12; Mk 4:26–28.

A dove. Mt 3:16.

Gentle. Mt 10:16; Gal 5:22.

A voice. Is 6:8.

Speaking. Mt 10:20.

Guiding. Is 30:21; Jn 16:13.

Warning. Heb 3:7–11.

A seal. Rev 7:2.

Securing. Eph 1:13, 14; 4:30.

Authenticating. Jn 6:27; 2Co 1:22.

Divided tongues. Ac 2:3, 6–11.

Gift of the Holy Spirit

By the Father. Ne 9:20; Lk 11:13.

By the Son. Jn 20:22.

To Christ without measure. Jn 3:34.


According to promise. Ac 2:38, 39.

Upon the exaltation of Christ. Ps 68:18; Jn 7:39.

Through the intercession of Christ. Jn 14:16.

In answer to prayer. Lk 11:13; Eph 1:16, 17.

For instruction. Ne 9:20.

To help believers. Jn 14:16.

To those who repent and believe. Ac 2:38.

To those who obey God. Ac 5:32.

To the Gentiles. Ac 10:44, 45; 11:17; 15:8.

Is abundant. Ps 68:9; Jn 7:38, 39.

Is permanent. Is 59:21; Hag 2:5; 1Pe 4:14.

Is fruit bearing. Is 32:15.

Received through faith. Gal 3:14.

An evidence of union with Christ. 1Jn 3:24; 4:13.

A guarantee of the inheritance of believers. 2Co 1:22; 5:5; Eph 1:14.

A pledge of the continued favor of God. Eze 39:29.

Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

In His church, as His temple. 1Co 3:16.

In the body of believers, as His temple. 1Co 6:19; 2Co 6:16.

Promised to believers. Eze 36:27; Ac 1:8.

Believers enjoy. Is 63:11; 2Ti 1:14.

As a helper to believers. Jn 14:16, 17.

A pledge of eternal salvation. Eph 1:13, 14.

Believers filled with. Ac 6:5; Eph 5:18; 2Ti 1:14; 1Jn 2:27.

Is the means of

Receiving life. Ro 8:11.

Guiding. Jn 16:13; Gal 5:18.

Fruit bearing. Gal 5:22.

A proof of being Christ’s child. Ro 8:9, 15; 1Jn 4:13.

A proof of adoption. Ro 8:15; Gal 4:5.

Those who do not have

Are worldly minded. Jude 19.

Are without Christ. Ro 8:9.

Opposed by the fleshly nature. Gal 5:17.

Inspiration of the Holy Spirit

Foretold. Joel 2:28; Ac 2:16–18.

All Scripture given by. 2Sa 23:2; 2Ti 3:16; 2Pe 1:21.

Purpose of

To reveal future events. Ac 1:16; 28:25; 1Pe 1:11.

To reveal the mysteries of God. Am 3:7; 1Co 2:10.

To give power to ministers. Mic 3:8; Ac 1:8.

To direct ministers. Eze 3:24–27; Ac 11:12; 13:2; 16:6.

To testify against sin. 2Ki 17:13; Ne 9:30; Mic 3:8; Jn 16:8, 9.

Modes of

Various. Heb 1:1.

By secret impulse. Jdg 13:25; 2Pe 1:21.

By a voice. Is 6:8; Ac 8:29; Rev 1:10.

By visions. Nu 12:6; Eze 11:24.

By dreams. Nu 12:6; Da 7:1.

Necessary to prophesying. Nu 11:25–27; 2Ch 20:14–17.

Is irresistible. Am 3:8.

Despisers of, punished. 2Ch 36:15, 16; Zec 7:12.

Ministry of the Holy Spirit as Helper

Proceeds from the Father. Jn 15:26.

Given by

The Father. Jn 14:16.

Christ. Is 61:3.

Christ’s intercession. Jn 14:16, 26.

Sent by Christ from the Father. Jn 15:26; 16:7.

Purposes of

Communicates joy to believers. Ro 14:17; Gal 5:22; 1Th 1:6.

Builds up the church. Ac 9:31.

Testifies of Christ. Jn 15:26.

Imparts the love of God. Ro 5:3–5.

Imparts hope. Ro 15:13; Gal 5:5.

Teaches believers. Jn 14:26.

Dwells with and in believers. Jn 14:16, 17.

The world cannot receive. Jn 14:17.

Ministry of the Holy Spirit as Teacher

Promised. Pr 1:23.

As the Spirit of wisdom. Is 11:2; 40:13, 14.


In answer to prayer. Eph 1:16, 17.

To believers. Ne 9:20; 1Co 2:12, 13.

Necessity for. 1Co 2:9, 10.

Activities in that role

Reveals the things of God. 1Co 2:10, 13.

Reveals the things of Christ. Jn 16:14.

Reveals the future. Lk 2:26; Ac 21:11.

Brings the words of Christ to remembrance. Jn 14:26.

Directs in the way of godliness. Is 30:21; Eze 36:27.

Teaches believers to answer persecutors. Mk 13:11; Lk 12:12.

Enables ministers to teach. 1Co 12:8.

Guides into all truth. Jn 14:26; 16:13.

Directs the decisions of the church. Ac 15:28.

Should listen to His instruction. Rev 2:7, 11, 29.

The natural man will not receive the things of. 1Co 2:14.

Offenses Against the Holy Spirit

Exhortations against. Eph 4:30; 1Th 5:19.

Exhibited in

Tempting Him. Ac 5:9.

Grieving Him. Is 63:10; Eph 4:30.

Quenching Him. 1Th 5:19.

Lying to Him. Ac 5:3, 4.

Resisting Him. Ac 7:51.

Undervaluing His gifts. Ac 8:19, 20.

Trifling with Him. Heb 6:4–6.

Insulting Him. Heb 10:29.

Disregarding His testimony. Ne 9:30.

Blasphemy against Him, unpardonable. Mt 12:31, 32; 1Jn 5:16.

Personality of the Holy Spirit

He creates and gives life. Job 33:4.

He appoints and commissions ministers. Is 48:16; Ac 13:2; 20:28.

He directs ministers where to preach. Ac 8:29; 10:19, 20.

He directs ministers where not to preach. Ac 16:6, 7.

He instructs ministers what to preach. 1Co 2:13.

He spoke in, and by, the prophets. Ac 1:16; 1Pe 1:11, 12; 2Pe 1:21.

He strives with sinners. Ge 6:3.

He convicts. Jn 16:8.

He comforts. Ac 9:31.

He helps our weaknesses. Ro 8:26.

He teaches. Jn 14:26; 1Co 12:3.

He guides. Jn 16:13.

He sanctifies. Ro 15:16; 1Co 6:11.

He testifies of Christ. Jn 15:26.

He glorifies Christ. Jn 16:14.

He has a power of His own. Ro 15:13.

He searches all things. Ro 11:33, 34; 1Co 2:10, 11.

He works according to His own will. 1Co 12:11.

He dwells with believers. Jn 14:17.

He can be grieved. Is 63:10; Eph 4:30.

He can be resisted. Ac 7:51.

He can be tested. Ac 5:9.

Power of the Holy Spirit

Is the power of God. Mt 12:28; Lk 11:20.


Began His ministry in. Lk 4:14.

Worked His miracles by. Mt 12:28.

Promised its coming. Lk 24:44; Ac 1:8.

Exhibited in

Creation. Ge 1:2; Job 26:13; Ps 104:30.

The conception of Christ. Lk 1:35.

Raising Christ from the dead. 1Pe 3:18.

Giving spiritual life. Eze 37:11–14; Ro 8:11.

Working of miracles. Ro 15:19.

Making the gospel efficacious. 1Co 2:4; 1Th 1:5.

Overcoming all difficulties. Zec 4:6, 7.


Upheld by. Ps 51:12.

Strengthened by. Eph 3:16.

Given boldness by. Mic 3:8; Ac 6:5, 10; 2Ti 1:7, 8.

Helped in prayer by. Ro 8:26.

Abound in hope by. Ro 15:13.

Qualifies them for ministry. Lk 24:49; Ac 1:8.

God’s Word the instrument of. Eph 6:17.

Sealing of the Holy Spirit

Christ received. Jn 6:27.

Believers receive. 2Co 1:22; Eph 1:13.

Is to the day of redemption. Eph 4:30.

The wicked do not receive. Rev 9:4.

Judgment suspended until all believers receive. Rev 7:3.

Typified. Ro 4:11.

Titles and Names of the Holy Spirit

Breath of the Almighty. Job 33:4.

Eternal Spirit. Heb 9:14.

God. Ac 5:3, 4.

Good Spirit. Ne 9:20; Ps 143:10.

Helper. Jn 14:16, 26; 15:26.

Holy Spirit. Ps 51:11; Lk 11:13; Eph 1:13; 4:30.

Lord. 2Th 3:5.

Power of the Most High. Lk 1:35.

Seven Spirits. Rev 1:4.

Spirit, the. Mt 4:1; Jn 3:6; 1Ti 4:1.

Spirit of adoption. Ro 8:15.

Spirit of burning. Is 4:4.

Spirit of Christ. Ro 8:9; 1Pe 1:11.

Spirit of counsel. Is 11:2.

Spirit of your Father. Mt 10:20.

Spirit of the fear of the Lord. Is 11:2.

Spirit of glory. 1Pe 4:14.

Spirit of God. Ge 1:2; Job 33:4; Ro 8:9; 1Co 2:11.

Spirit of grace. Zec 12:10; Heb 10:29.

Spirit of His [God’s] Son. Gal 4:6.

Spirit of holiness. Ro 1:4.

Spirit of judgment. Is 4:4; 28:6.

Spirit of knowledge. Is 11:2.

Spirit of life. Ro 8:2; Rev 11:11.

Spirit of the Lord. Is 11:2; Ac 5:9.

Spirit of the Lord God. Is 61:1.

Spirit of prophecy. Rev 19:10.

Spirit of revelation. Eph 1:17.

Spirit of strength. Is 11:2.

Spirit of truth. Jn 14:17; 15:26.

Spirit of understanding. Is 11:2.

Spirit of wisdom. Is 11:2; Eph 1:17.

Willing spirit. Ps 51:12.

Witness of the Holy Spirit

Is truth. 1Jn 5:6.

To be implicitly received. 1Jn 5:6, 9.

Borne to Christ

As Messiah. Lk 3:22; Jn 1:32, 33.

As coming to redeem and sanctify. 1Jn 5:6.

As exalted to be a Prince and Savior. Ac 5:31, 32.

As perfecting believers. Heb 10:14, 15.

As foretold by Himself. Jn 15:26.

In heaven. 1Jn 5:7, 11.

On earth. 1Jn 5:8.

The first preaching of the gospel confirmed by. Ac 14:3; Heb 2:4.

The faithful preaching of the apostles accompanied by. 1Co 2:4; 1Th 1:5.

Given to believers

At salvation. Ac 15:8; 1Jn 5:10.

To testify to them of Christ. Jn 15:26; 1Jn 3:24; 4:13.

As an evidence of adoption. Ro 8:16.

Borne against all unbelievers. Ne 9:30; Ac 28:25–27.3



​​ Enns, P. P. (1989).​​ The Moody handbook of theology​​ (pp. 250–251). Moody Press.


​​ Enns, P. P. (1989).​​ The Moody handbook of theology​​ (p. 250). Moody Press.


​​ MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (2006).​​ The MacArthur study Bible: New American Standard Bible.​​ Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Ways God Speaks to His People

His Voice: The Spirit of God

God audibly spoke to Samuel, and He did so to others as well. When Jesus came, He told His disciples that He had a great many other things to teach them; but when He went away, the Spirit of God would come to teach them, guiding them into the truth (John 16:12,13). In the Gospel of John, truth has a name, and it is Jesus. So the Spirit of God reveals Jesus. But the Gospel of John also affirms that the Holy Spirit would continue to teach and bring to remembrance all that God has said through His Word (see John 14:26).

Greear, J. D., & Thomas, H. A. (2016). Exalting jesus in 1 & 2 samuel (p. 63). Holman Reference.