Requirements For A Messenger
Paul, the apostle writes to his son in the faith in 2 Timothy.
The truth that was entrusted to Paul is being passed on to Timothy as well as many others.
In chapter 2 Paul outlines the requirements for being a good messenger using a number of metaphors.
- A Genuine Child-{2Ti 2:1-2}
- A Good Soldier-{2Ti 2:3-4}
- A Dedicated Athlete-{2Ti 2:5}
- A Toiling Farmer-{2Ti 2:6}
- Application of the Metaphors-7-14{2Ti 2:7,8-9,10-11,12-13,14}
- A Careful Craftsman-15-18{2Ti 2:15-16,17-18}
- A Clean Vessel-19-21{2Ti 2:19,20,21}
- A Bondslave of The Lord Jesus-22-26{2Ti 2:22-23,24-25,26}

A Genuine Child
{2 Ti 2:1-2} In the physical realm the child will have a DNA pattern closely matching the parent.
In the spiritual realm Paul is urging Timothy to follow him; to live a pattern of life like his.
I refer to this “spiritual DNA” as:
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To care for the assemblies of God’s people, and the people that are a part of those assemblies-{2 Cor 11:28}
It was imperative Timothy also make spiritual children of his own {2 Tim 4:2}
{As Paul did – 2 Tim 2:1-2; 1 Cor 4:17; Philem 10}
A Good Soldier
{2 Ti 2:3-4} Timothy is to fight, enduring hardness,
{As Paul did – 2 Cor. 11:23–24,25,26,27-28,29 Plus 2 Tim 1:8,2:9-10}
avoiding distractions and keeping the goal of pleasing the Commander In Chief in mind at all times.
A Dedicated Athlete
{2 Ti 2:5} Timothy is to run being mindful to follow the rules that allow the desired goal to be reached; a victory and reward without the chance of being disqualified.
{As Paul did – 1 Cor 9:26} Will run with purpose,
{Phil 2:16} Will preach so that on the day of Christ I will have pride in their spiritual progress
{Phil 3:12,13-14} Will press on to the goal, not held back by the past
{Gal 2:2} Will run in fellowship with other apostles
A Toiling Farmer
{2 Ti 2:6} Timothy is to labour in the field planting, watering, weeding, and harvesting a crop for The Lord.
{As Paul did – 1 Cor 3:6;Gal 4:19}
A Careful Craftsman
{2 Ti 2:15-16,17-18} Timothy is to build following God’s plan laid out His Word Accurately
{As Paul did – 1 Cor 3:10}
A Clean Vessel
{2 Ti 2:19,20,21} Timothy is to prepare himself as a vessel emptied, cleansed, and dedicated to The Lord.
{As Paul was – Acts 9:15; 2 Cor 4:6,7}
A Bondslave of The Lord Jesus
{2 Ti 2:22-23,24-25,26} Timothy is to behave as a servant avoiding unnecessary conflict, keeping his desires in check, going after righteousness, teaching and correcting as required. His attitude must be one of gentleness, patience and meekness.
{As Paul was – 2 Corinthians 4:5}
This advice is in one of the books referred to as “the pastoral epistles” This would certainly be paramount for someone who takes the title of “Pastor“. However, the word in scripture simply means “shepherd”. Anyone seeking to tend or feed the flock of God should strive to attain to what is being urged upon Timothy by his father in the faith. While the degree may vary the action words highlighted above should be followed to some degree by all Christians.
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