OVERSIGHT (exercise, take)
episkopeo (ἐπισκοπέω, 1983), lit., “to look upon” (epi, “upon,” skopeo, “to look at, contemplate”), is found in 1 Pet. 5:2 (some ancient authorities omit it), “exercising the oversight,” RV (KJV, “taking …”); “exercising” is the right rendering; the word does not imply the entrance upon such responsibility, but the fulfillment of it. It is not a matter of assuming a position, but of the discharge of the duties. The word is found elsewhere in Heb. 12:15, “looking carefully,” RV. See LOOK.¶ Cf. episkope in 1 Tim. 3:1 (see BISHOP, No. 2).

Vine, W. E., Unger, M. F., & White, W., Jr. (1996). In Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (Vol. 2, p. 454). T. Nelson.

1 Timothy 3 (KJV 1900) — 1 This is a true saying, If a man desire [orego (ὀρέγομαι, 3713)] the office of a bishop [episkope (ἐπισκοπή, 1984)], he desireth [epithumeo (ἐπιθυμέω, 1937)] a good work [ergon (ἔργον, 2041)]

  • orego (ὀρέγομαι, 3713), “to reach or stretch out,” is used only in the middle voice, signifying the mental effort of stretching oneself out for a thing, of longing after it, with stress upon the object desired
  • episkope (ἐπισκοπή, 1984), besides its meaning, “visitation,” e.g., 1 Pet. 2:12 (cf. the Sept. of Exod. 3:16; Isa. 10:3; Jer. 10:15), is rendered “office,” in (Acts 1:20 ASV) (kjv, “bishoprick”); in 1 Tim. 3:1 “the office of a bishop,” lit., “(if any one seeketh) overseership,” there is no word representing office. 
  • Note: The corresponding verb is episkopeo, which, in reference to the work of an overseer, is found in (1 Pet 5:2 ESV)  “exercising oversight,” for kjv “taking the oversight.” See oversight 1983. 
  • epithumeo (ἐπιθυμέω, 1937), “to desire earnestly” (as with A, No. 1), stresses the inward impulse rather than the object desired. It is translated “to desire” in Luke 16:21; 17:22; 22:15; 1 Tim. 3:1; Heb. 6:11; 1 Pet. 1:12; Rev. 9:6. See covet.
  • ergon (ἔργον, 2041) denotes (I) “work, employment, task,” e.g., Mark 13:34; John 4:34; 17:4; Acts 13:2; Phil. 2:30; 1 Thess. 5:13; in Acts 5:38 with the idea of enterprise; (II), “a deed, act,”

2 A bishop[episkopos (ἐπίσκοπος, 1985)]  then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 

  • episkopos (ἐπίσκοπος, 1985), lit., an overseer” (epi, “over,” skopeo, “to look or watch”), whence Eng. “bishop,” which has precisely the same meaning, is found in Acts 20:28; Phil. 1:1; 1 Tim. 3:2; Titus 1:7; 1 Pet. 2:25. See overseer. – BISHOP (Overseer)

3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; 

4 One that ruleth [proistemi (προΐστημι, 4291)] well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity

  • proistemi (προΐστημι, 4291), lit., “to stand before,” hence, “to lead, attend to” (indicating care and diligence), is translated “to rule” (middle voice), with reference to a local church, in Rom. 12:8; perfect active in 1 Tim. 5:17; with reference to a family, 1 Tim. 3:4 and 12 (middle voice); v. 1 Tim 3:5 (2nd aorist, active)

5 (For if a man know not how to rule [proistemi (προΐστημι, 4291)] his own house, how shall he take care [epimeleomai (ἐπιμελέομαι, 1959)] of the church [ekklesia (ἐκκλησία, 1577)] of God?) 

  • proistemi (προΐστημι, 4291), lit., “to stand before,” hence, “to lead, attend to” (indicating care and diligence), is translated “to rule” (middle voice), with reference to a local church, in Rom. 12:8; perfect active in 1 Tim. 5:17; with reference to a family, 1 Tim. 3:4 and 12 (middle voice); v. 5 (2nd aorist, active)
  • epimeleomai (ἐπιμελέομαι, 1959) signifies “to take care of,” involving forethought and provision (epi indicating “the direction of the mind toward the object cared for”), Luke 10:34-35, of the Good Samaritan’s care for the wounded man, and in 1 Tim. 3:5, of a bishop’s (or overseer’s) care of a church—a significant association of ideas.¶
  • ekklesia (ἐκκλησία, 1577), from ek, “out of,” and klesis, “a calling” (kaleo, “to call”) – ASSEMBLY

6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. 

 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil. 

8 Likewise must the deacons [diakonos (διάκονος, 1249)] be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre; 

  • diakonos (διάκονος, 1249), (Eng., “deacon”), primarily denotes a “servant,” whether as doing servile work, or as an attendant rendering free service, without particular reference to its character. The word is probably connected with the verb dioko, “to hasten after, pursue” (perhaps originally said of a runner). “It occurs in the NT of domestic servants, John 2:5, 9; the civil ruler, Rom. 13:4; Christ, Rom. 15:8; Gal. 2:17; the followers of Christ in relation to their Lord, John 12:26; Eph. 6:21; Col. 1:7; 4:7; the followers of Christ in relation to one another, Matt. 20:26; 23:11, Mark 9:35; 10:43; the servants of Christ in the work of preaching and teaching, 1 Cor. 3:5; 2 Cor. 3:6; 6:4; 11:23; Eph. 3:7; Col. 1:23, 25; 1 Thess. 3:2; 1 Tim. 4:6; those who serve in the churches, Rom. 16:1 (used of a woman here only in NT); Phil. 1:1; 1 Tim. 3:8, 12; false apostles, servants of Satan, 2 Cor. 11:15. Once diakonos is used where, apparently, angels are intended, Matt. 22:13; in v. 3, where men are intended, doulos is used.”* 

9 Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. 

 And let these also first be proved; then let them use the office of a deacon [diakoneo (διακονέω, 1247)], being found blameless. 

  • diakoneo (διακονέω, 1247), akin to A, No. 1, signifies “to be a servant, attendant, to serve, wait upon, minister.”
  • 53.66 διακονέωd: to serve God in some special way, such as a deacon—‘to be a deacon, to minister to’ οὗτοι δὲ δοκιμαζέσθωσαν πρῶτον, εἶτα διακονείτωσαν ἀνέγκλητοι ὄντες ‘they should be tested first, and then, if they prove blameless, they should serve as deacons’ 1 Tim 3:10.
  • (Vs 10 “then let them be serving as deacons” no office is envisioned here, just work, service . This is a verb in the Greek. Were it to represent an office, would it not be a noun?[RBBD])

11 Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things. 

 Let the deacons [diakonos (διάκονος, 1249)] be the husbands of one wife, ruling [proistemi (προΐστημι, 4291)] their children and their own houses well. 

  • diakonos (διάκονος, 1249), (Eng., “deacon”), primarily denotes a “servant,” whether as doing servile work, or as an attendant rendering free service, without particular reference to its character. The word is probably connected with the verb dioko, “to hasten after, pursue” (perhaps originally said of a runner). “It occurs in the NT of domestic servants, John 2:5, 9; the civil ruler, Rom. 13:4; Christ, Rom. 15:8; Gal. 2:17; the followers of Christ in relation to their Lord, John 12:26; Eph. 6:21; Col. 1:7; 4:7; the followers of Christ in relation to one another, Matt. 20:26; 23:11, Mark 9:35; 10:43; the servants of Christ in the work of preaching and teaching, 1 Cor. 3:5; 2 Cor. 3:6; 6:4; 11:23; Eph. 3:7; Col. 1:23, 25; 1 Thess. 3:2; 1 Tim. 4:6; those who serve in the churches, Rom. 16:1 (used of a woman here only in NT); Phil. 1:1; 1 Tim. 3:8, 12; false apostles, servants of Satan, 2 Cor. 11:15. Once diakonos is used where, apparently, angels are intended, Matt. 22:13; in v. 3, where men are intended, doulos is used.”* 
  • proistemi (προΐστημι, 4291), lit., “to stand before,” hence, “to lead, attend to” (indicating care and diligence), is translated “to rule” (middle voice), with reference to a local church, in Rom. 12:8; perfect active in 1 Tim. 5:17; with reference to a family, 1 Tim. 3:4 and 12 (middle voice); v. 5 (2nd aorist, active)

13 For they that have used the office of a deacon[diakoneo (διακονέω, 1247)] well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus. 

  • diakoneo (διακονέω, 1247), akin to A, No. 1, signifies “to be a servant, attendant, to serve, wait upon, minister.”
  • 53.66 διακονέωd: to serve God in some special way, such as a deacon—‘to be a deacon, to minister to’ οὗτοι δὲ δοκιμαζέσθωσαν πρῶτον, εἶτα διακονείτωσαν ἀνέγκλητοι ὄντες ‘they should be tested first, and then, if they prove blameless, they should serve as deacons’ 1 Tim 3:10.
  • (Vs 10 “then let them be serving as deacons” no office is envisioned here, just work, service . This is a verb in the Greek. Were it to represent an office, would it not be a noun?[RBBD])

14 These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly: 
 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. 

 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.