Ps 73:12-14,15-17,18-19,24,26,28 God reveals to David
Luke 16:25 The Lord reveals to His disciples & The Pharisees
1 Cor. 11:32 Paul categorizes our “judgment” as “chastisement”
2 Peter 2:9 deliver godly out of temptation, reserve unjust for judgment
James 2:12 saints are – Judged by the law of liberty
2 Peter 3:7 heavens&earth Kept in store against day of judgment of ungodly
John 5:28-29 Good to life, evil to judgment
Heb 9:27 Die and after the judgment
Heb 10:27,30 Reject truth? Look for judgment
De 32:36 For the Lord shall judge his people

ginosko (γινώσκω, 1097) signifies “to be taking in knowledge, learn, inception or progress in “knowledge,” (1 Thess 3:5)
1Thes 1X, 2 Thes 0X
oida (Perf. of εἴδω, 1492) signifies “to have seen or perceived”, suggests fullness of “knowledge,”
same root as eidon, “to see,” is a perfect tense with a present meaning,
1Thes 13X, 2 Thes 3X

John 8:55, “ye have not known Him” (ginosko), i.e., begun to “know,” “but I know Him” (oida), i.e., “know Him perfectly”;
13:7, “What I do thou knowest not now,” i.e. Peter did not yet perceive (oida) its significance, “but thou shalt understand,” i.e., “get to know (ginosko), hereafter”;
14:7, “If ye had known Me” (ginosko), i.e., “had definitely come to know Me,” “ye would have known My Father also” (oida), i.e., “would have had perception of”: “from henceforth ye know Him” (ginosko), i.e., having unconsciously been coming to the Father, as the One who was in Him, they would now consciously be in the constant and progressive experience of “knowing” Him; in
Mark 4:13, “Know ye not (oida) this parable? and how shall ye know (ginosko) all the parables?” (RV), i.e., “Do ye not understand this parable? How shall ye come to perceive all …” the intimation being that the first parable is a leading and testing one; (Vine, W. E.)

In part of the first epistle he had enlightened the ignorance of the believers themselves respecting the portion of the saints at the coming of Christ to take them to Himself. (Darby, J. N.)

Acts 17:10 Then the brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea. When they arrived, they went into the synagogue of the Jews.
Acts 17:13 But when the Jews from Thessalonica learned that the word of God was preached by Paul at Berea, they came there also and stirred up the crowds.

At that time the Jewish influence showed itself in the tendency of the Thessalonians to lose sight of the heavenly side of the Lord’s coming, to think that He would return to the earth and that they should then be glorified with Him—as a Jew might have believed—and that the dead saints would therefore not be present to share this glory (Darby, J. N.)

The heavenly side of this expectation had not its place clearly marked in their minds, and they connected the coming too much with the manifestation, so that the earthly character predominated, and the dead seemed to be shut out from it.
When the Second Epistle was written, this Jewish influence had another character; and the false teachers were more directly concerned in it. (Darby, J. N.)
(Compare Isaiah 13, Joel 2, Amos 5:18.)


1 Thess 4:16
For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.

Vs 3-4 – Your faith grows exceedingly, your love abounds toward each other, you patiently endure, you continue, you bear up under the persecutions and tribulations
Vs 5-6 – You suffer for the kingdom, God will repay those who trouble you
Vs 7-8 – Rest… as we do… in current hope… and a complete rest to come

The “day of the Lord” was the coming of the Lord in judgment;
but it was not to make His own suffer that He was coming—
it was to punish the wicked.
Persecution therefore could not be the day of the Lord;
for in persecution the wicked had the upper hand and did their own will and inflicted suffering on those whom the Lord loved.
Could that be His day! (Darby, J. N.)

The reading in the original, “to the ones afflicting you, affliction”, gives the solemn idea of “measure for measure” in God’s righteous dealings
(see Rom 2:5). (Smith, T. W. WBT).

“rest” (anesis) is one he uses elsewhere as the opposite to tribulation.
(2 Cor 2:13; 7:5; 8:13)
The rest for the Church saints commences at the Rapture.
The event referred to, “when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed (apokalupsei) from heaven” is the Appearing in power and great glory not the Rapture, the Lord’s return to the earth, not His coming to the air. (See Appendix on Rapture, Parousia, Appearing, Apokalupsis.) This Appearing is spoken of in Dan 2:34–35; Zech 14; Matt 24:27; 26:64; Mark 13:26; Luke 21:27; Rev 19:11–16 among other Scriptures. (Smith, T. W. WBT).

The phrase “in flaming fire” should be compared with Exod 9:24; 19:18; Dan 7:9; Isa 29:6; 30:30; 66:15; Mal 4:1. (Smith, T. W. WBT).

The Appearing:
The Lord Jesus returns to earth in power and great glory, with His saints, and with the angels of His power.
Witnessed by the world, unlike the Rapture, with great and unexpected suddenness. Every eye shall see Him.
Unlike the Rapture, which has grace and salvation as its purpose, the Appearing is connected with government and judgment. (Smith, T. W. WBT).

The Appearing Apokalupsis – The word means “an unveiling”, “revealing”, or “uncovering”, it is derived from apo and kaluptō, to uncover, or reveal from hiding. In the NT it is used for the action of bringing into sight, or understanding, what had hitherto been obscured. In connection with the Lord’s coming, it refers to His coming to the earth, as distinct from His coming to the air, and speaks of His open manifestation, in contrast with the Rapture which will be secret, in the sense of its being unseen by the world.

The Day of Christ The day of Christ commences with the Rapture. The day of Christ relates to events in heaven and concerns the saints raptured there

The Day of the Lord In the context of Thessalonians, the day of the Lord is largely identified with one event within that day, namely the Appearing, although it will be observed that even there, as indicated in 2 Thess 2:2–12, matters which occur before the Appearing are clearly identified. These include the full emergence of the apostasy and the revelation of the man of lawlessness, which relate to the Tribulation period which precedes the Appearing.

The Man of Lawlessness

The Rapture it means to be caught up and transported from one place to another

Parousia Expresses “presence”. Literally, it means “being with”, from para, with, and ousia, being.

Epiphaneia a “shining forth”.

1 Thes 1:9-10;1 Thes 3:13;1 Thes 4:13-18;2 Thes 2:1;1 Thess 5:2;2 Pet 3:10;Rev 1:7

Chapter 2:
Dan 9:24-27;Mat 24:15-25;1 Jn 2:18-19,22-23,4:1-3;Rev13:1,5-8,19:11,19-20

We are thankful:
Vs 13 You are loved by God
Chosen of God
Sanctified by the Spirit and belief in the truth
Vs 14 Called by gospel
To receive glory of Christ

Stand – in faith, liberty, one spirit, the Lord
Hold –
Traditions – 13X, only 3X positive
1 Cor 11:2
Now I praise you, brethren, that you remember me in all things and keep the traditions just as I delivered them to you.
2 Thess 2:15
Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle.
2 Thess 3:6
But we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw from every brother who walks disorderly and not according to the tradition which he received from us.

When something is “Biblical,” it actually comes from the Bible and not my desires, background, or tradition.
We have the authority of scripture for or against it.

When something is unbiblical, it violates a literal scripture or a scriptural principle. It would also violate what true churches would have done in every era.

When something is “non-Biblical,” it is not mentioned in the Bible, nor does the Bible have any literal instructions about it, for or against, unless it is covered by a principle. They are simply “non-Biblical.” Non-Biblical is something unspoken of in the Scriptures.

Vs 16 Love of Christ & God gives
everlasting consolation and good hope by grace
Vs 17 Paul’s prayer for comfort hearts, and establish our speech and actions

2 Sam 23:11-12 Shammah – But he stationed himself in the middle of the field of
lentiles and defended it
1 Sam 14:6 there is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few

  1. Believer’s Suffering
  2. Not shaken
  3. Slackening
  4. Affirmation
  5. Explanation
  6. Exhortation

Chapter 2:
2 Th 2:1-2 Request to be unshaken
2 Th 2:3-5 Revealing of Anti-Christ
2 Th 2:6-7 Restraint of Anti-Christ
2 Th 2:8-12 Retribution against Anti-Christ
2 Th 2:13:14 Reason for Paul’s thanks
2 Th 2:15-17 Response Desired

Rom. 15:16; 2 Thess. 2:13; 1 Pet. 1:2; cf. 1 Cor. 6:11 Vine, W. E.