Php 3:20,21 Four things

  • Conversation in heaven
  • The saviour from heaven
  • Bodies fitted for heaven
  • The power of God of heaven will subdue all things.

An epistle of models/examples

  1. Model church Php 1:1 – saints, bishops, deacons
  2. Model Christ Php 2:5 – let this mind be in you as in Christ (Php 4:8, Mat 11:29, 2 Cor 10:1)
  3. Individual examples Php 3:17 – things heard, pass on to be passed on again and again
  4. Paul is an example Php 4:9 – (2 Timothy 2:2) Oversight (1 Peter 2:21, 5:3) Paul as example
    1 Co 11:1; Php 3:17; 2 Th 3:6–10; 1 Ti 4:12; 1 Pe 2:2


  • Words – 2 Timothy 2:2 – things heard, pass on to be passed on again
  • Writings – Acts 17:2,11,2 Timothy 3:15
  • Ways – 1 Cor 11:1,2 Thessalonians 3:6,7,9

How Christ is presented

  1. Christ our life Php 1:21 – to live is Christ, to die more of Christ! (“to have died”)
  2. Christ our mind Php 2:5 – let this mind be in you as in Christ (Php 4:8, Mat 11:29, 2 Cor 10:1)
  3. Christ our goal Php 3:8 – win (or gain Php 3:8 ASV), Know (Php 3:10)
  4. Christ our strength Php 4:13 – Christ Strengthens


  1. Fellowship in the gospel Php 1:5 – Gospel
  2. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit Php 2:1 – Spirit
  3. Fellowship in suffering Php 3:10 – Suffering
  4. Fellowship in finance Php 4:15 – Giving/receiving

The Mind

  1. Happy mind Php 1:4 – request with joy (from Jail)
  2. Humble mind Php 2:5 – let this mind be in you as in Christ (Matthew 11:29)
  3. Heavenly mind Php 3:20 – conversation (citizenship) Col 3:1-2. Things above
  4. Holy mind Php 4:8 – Whatsoever true, honest, just, pure, lovely, good report, virtue, praise

The Work – Of Us

  1. A life to be lived Php 1:21 – to live is Christ (Gal 2:20)
  2. An example to follow Php 2:5 – let this mind be in you as in Christ (Mat 11:29)
  3. A race that must be run Php 3:14 – I press toward the prize (1 Co 9:24,27; Heb 12:1)
  4. A lesson that must be learned Php 4:9 – ye have both learned do

The Work – Of God

  1. A work commenced Php 1:6 – He has begun a work in you will complete
  2. A work continued Php 2:13 – God which works in you
  3. A body conformed Php 3:21 – not there, run toward, mind & walk conformed
  4. A mind content Php 4:11 – whatsoever state, content

We have more for us in heaven than we have here on earth

  1. Our name is in heaven – Luke 10:20 (Rev 2:17)
  2. Our Father is in heaven – The Lord says in Matthew 7X “My Father which is in heaven”
    But the wonder is, He also says 7X “your Father which is in heaven”
    What kind of a Father is He?
    1. He chose me (Eph 1:4) (1 Corinthians 1:26)
    2. He is compassionate and merciful (James 5:11 CSB)
    3. He cares (1 Pe 5:6-7)
    4. He chastens (Hebrews 12:5)
    5. He corrects (2 Timothy 3:16)
    6. His very essence is love (1 John 4:8,16)
    7. He is gracious (Titus 2:11)
  3. Our Saviour is in heaven – (Php 3:20) The Lord Jesus
    1. Mediator (1 Timothy 2:5) – (made link between God and man)
    2. Advocate, (1 John 2:1) – (mends)
    3. Great High Priest, (Hebrews 4:14) – (maintains)
  4. Our Hope is in heaven – Col 1:5 – When unsaved we were
    1. helpless (Romans 5:6)
    2. hateful (Titus 3:3)
    3. hopeless and without God (Ephesians 2:12)
      1. We now have hope! – good (2 Thes 2:16)
      2. Better (Hebrews 7:19)
      3. living (1 Peter 1:3 CSB)
      4. steadfast (Hebrews 6:19),
      5. purifying (1 John 3:3),
      6. blessed (Titus 2:13),
      7. comforting (Rom 15:4)
  5. Our Home is in heaven (2 Cor 5:6 ESV, 2 Cor 5:8 ESV)
    1. The commonwealth of which we are citizens is in heaven
    2. Our conversation Php 3:20 (commonwealth, citizenship, our real homeland) is in heaven.
  6. A Master (Ephesians 6:9)(1 Corinthians 6:19)
  7. An inheritance (1 Peter 1:4)